Krustysimplex: Mountain cabbage tree (Cordyline indivisa) Mangawhero River gorge, Ohakune
Krustysimplex: New bridge in the Mangawhero River gorge on the route of Bennett & Punch's tram, Ohakune
Krustysimplex: Stream near Knight's tramway bridge site. Raurimu
Krustysimplex: Plimmerton
Krustysimplex: Argyle Hotel, Hunterville
Krustysimplex: Hunterville
Krustysimplex: Porirua
Krustysimplex: Caterpillar engine, Bill Cole's sawmill, Horopito
Krustysimplex: Caterpillar engine, Bill Cole's sawmill, Horopito
Krustysimplex: Saw blade, Bill Cole's mill, Horopito
Krustysimplex: Cutting on Bennett & Punch tramway, Ohakune
Krustysimplex: Bennett & Punch tramway bridge across Mangawhero River, Ohakune
Krustysimplex: Pāmu (Landcorp Farming Limited) farm near Raurimu
Krustysimplex: Formation of Knight's tram near Raurimu
Krustysimplex: Bush skid site on Knight's tram, Raurimu
Krustysimplex: Old rail alongside the formation of Knight's tram, Raurimu
Krustysimplex: Woodville mansion
Krustysimplex: 17 Jull Street, Napier
Krustysimplex: Porirua free stuff
Krustysimplex: Putaruru Timber Museum 31 December 2016
Krustysimplex: Tram wheel, Retaruke Timber Co, ex-Marton Sash & Door, mill, Erua
Krustysimplex: Tram formation, Erua Bush Siding
Krustysimplex: Sawdust heap Raurimu bottom mill
Krustysimplex: Dutch Oven, Marton Sash & Door Erua
Krustysimplex: Dutch Oven, Marton Sash & Door Erua, with a Mahoney photo bomb
Krustysimplex: Crucifixion tree Marton Sash & Door Erua
Krustysimplex: Birchfield coal mine, Giles Creek, 2014
Krustysimplex: Pokaka General Store
Krustysimplex: Pokaka General Store (closed)
Krustysimplex: Wainuiomata waterworks tramway c1985