Sandra Whiteway: Cornelia, Museum D'Orsay, Paris France
Roger B. Ulrich: Ulysses and the Sirens
zigazou76: Statue
zigazou76: Statue de la fontaine des jardins de l’hôtel de ville
MrJennings: Archaic Rome
diffendale: Inscribed Doric column
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Nile River Delta, Sinai Peninsula (NASA, International Space Station, 07/10/11)
groenling: København, Thorvaldsens museum, Amor's dominion over the earth
groenling: København, Thorvaldsens museum, the ages of love
aurelio MONGE: Bernini vs Borromini © Aurelio Monge
Becante: Kóre del peplo
Becante: Estela de Aristión (detalle)
peterjr1961: Marble Statue of Tyche-Fortuna
peterjr1961: Grave Stele of a young Woman
peterjr1961: Amphora (jar): Musician playing the kithara
peterjr1961: Terracotta relief of Aphrodite
mmarftrejo: Sestercio de Nerón
ConstantineD: Nemesis
ovando: Niño
Sergey Sosnovskiy: Herakles struggling with the Nemean lion. Saint-Petersburg, The State Hermitage Museum.
John S Y Lee: Phaedra and Hippolytus
Anita363: Shiloah Inscription
Todd Huffman: Who nose?
fabianmohr: Glyptothek
Holliberry: Glyptothek
fabianmohr: Glyptothek
fabianmohr: Glyptothek