Σgypt∮häωn: 美善人生....
Σgypt∮häωn: 人行道...
Σgypt∮häωn: 你看見了啥?
Σgypt∮häωn: 百年好合 vs. 機車通行
Σgypt∮häωn: 歸零.......
Σgypt∮häωn: 香港????
Σgypt∮häωn: 小心.....
Σgypt∮häωn: 那個像哆啦A夢嗎?
Σgypt∮häωn: 25號門口
Σgypt∮häωn: 就明白告訴你怎麼走了妹!還問.....
Σgypt∮häωn: 這是創意滿點的....?看無
Σgypt∮häωn: Best Bette(2008)
Σgypt∮häωn: Cool Yule(2006)
Σgypt∮häωn: Sings the Peggy Lee Songbook(2005)
Σgypt∮häωn: Sings the Rosemary Clooney Songbook(2003)
Σgypt∮häωn: Bathhouse Betty(1998)
Σgypt∮häωn: Experience the Divine(1996)
Σgypt∮häωn: Bette of Roses(1995)
Σgypt∮häωn: Gypsy [Television Soundtrack](1993)
Σgypt∮häωn: Experience the Divine- Greatest Hits(1993)
Σgypt∮häωn: For the Boys(1991)
Σgypt∮häωn: Some People's Lives(1990)
Σgypt∮häωn: Beaches(1988)
Σgypt∮häωn: Mud Will Be Flung Tonight(1985)
Σgypt∮häωn: No Frills(1983)
Σgypt∮häωn: Divine Madness(1980)
Σgypt∮häωn: The Rose(1979)
Σgypt∮häωn: Thighs and Whispers(1979)
Σgypt∮häωn: Live at Last (1977)
Σgypt∮häωn: Broken Blossom(1977)