mjgoodale: Mystery Sock
mjgoodale: Mystery Sock
mjgoodale: Viv's Bday
mjgoodale: An unexpected nap at the pool. Guess I won't be swimming any time soon.
mjgoodale: An unexpected nap at the pool. Guess I won't be swimming any time soon.
mjgoodale: Reason #352 I love my friends. Yes, that is a sun tea jug filled with sangria!
mjgoodale: Guess I wore him out. He's never fallen asleep in the stroller before!
mjgoodale: Mojitos at my house!
mjgoodale: Mojitos at my house!
mjgoodale: @ggoodale this thing too. Not sure what they are, I'm not the family gardener. :)
mjgoodale: Hey @ggoodale there are green things in your planter besides the fennel.
mjgoodale: Apparently the fat tailed gekko feels like an alligator according to M. Not sure when he got to pet an alligator!
mjgoodale: The kitchen refashioning continues, now with fabric and glassware.
mjgoodale: Say hi to my new kitchen color, Tiger Stripe, rawr! Because nothing says anivsry romance like the paint aisle. :)
mjgoodale: Happy 10 years married (even more together) @ggoodale. We couldn't have legally drank this toast when we met!
mjgoodale: Not sure what this is, but it smells great!
mjgoodale: Research project for school, interview Cupcake Royal employee about cupcake making. Sample enjoyed post-interview.
mjgoodale: Photo
mjgoodale: Lambda
mjgoodale: Twist Again
mjgoodale: Wild Growth (Fingering Weight)
mjgoodale: Wild Growth (Aran Weight)
mjgoodale: Great way to deal with a 2 hr delay, a pedi and a flight of winter whites. I love travel!
mjgoodale: Really @virginamerica? You couldn't actually update this electronically on the big boards around Seatac?
mjgoodale: Delivering the mail @ the flight museum.
mjgoodale: Color Combos
mjgoodale: Seamless Slipper