.sassy: Voogan Project - Day 14 .
.sassy: 2011 .
.sassy: . imma gonna get my hair done crazy radical like
.sassy: Gotta love melbourne uni
.sassy: 182 . today i learnt that change is slow
.sassy: 183 . today i learnt that you need to keep distracted
.sassy: 184 . today i learnt that this is what uni is all about
.sassy: 185 . today i learnt that you gotta have fun
.sassy: 186 . today i learnt "that's life"
.sassy: 187 . today i learnt that sometimes the 'silver lining' is too hard to see
.sassy: 188 . today i learnt that women are evil
.sassy: 189 . today i learnt that skinny jeans are a pleaser for the boys =p
.sassy: 190 . today i learnt that burn out is inevitable
.sassy: 191 . today i learnt that you can treasure the past while letting it go
.sassy: 192 . today i learnt that you have to rise above it
.sassy: 193 . today i learnt that life gets a bit scary sometimes ..
.sassy: 194 . today i learnt that sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet
.sassy: 195 . today i learnt that you gotta stop and wait for the sun
.sassy: 197 . today i learnt that you should NEVER leave your shiny new car parked under a tree for two days ..
.sassy: 198 . today i learnt that scary movies are kinnda scary ..
.sassy: 196 . today i learnt that the only thing that never changes is change itself..
.sassy: 199 . today i learnt that you have to keep holding on
.sassy: 200 . today i learnt that sometimes you need reminding
.sassy: 201 . today i learnt that i am drunk
.sassy: 202 . today i learnt that things are fun when you make them fun
.sassy: 203 . today i learnt that anger is a 'positive emotion'
.sassy: 204 . today i learnt that i need to keep running
.sassy: 205 . today i learnt that it's delicate
.sassy: 206 . today i learnt that "big girls don't cry!"
.sassy: 207 . today i learnt that you take it one step at a time