V A N D E E: Yellow Splash
Kevin Kemmerer: Just another B&W portrait
Ravi Prasanna: Beautiful glowing Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge at Dusk (explored # 14, February 4th, 2025)
drrolfrfink: Tethered Poles III
drrolfrfink: Racetrack Valley Road
joomjim: the kiss
KRR_3: 6_1_IMG_1342
Skip Cox: Party Time...
MAP-Glam: Brittany V
Gary (Lincoln): Cromer, Norfolk
jackbarnosky1: after a long day in Paris
Philippe Haumesser ( 16 000 000 views): "Le givre fondait et l'herbe mouillée brillait comme humectée de rosée." - "The frost was melting and the wet grass shone like dew moistened."