mora_n: IMG_1239
hyuk: 鸟笼
Dressy Doll: Darling KuKu
Marywind: LoLiTa
Marywind: In my 3t5y in one hour : )
G.Baby Dolls: TIGI - Tiina G.Baby vamp - FA
G.Baby Dolls: TIGI - Tiina vamp - FA
孙小棱: 相机胶卷-1414
Ann Hung Photography: Ji Ja Bird by mr clement
malloryjinn: blythe
Ragazza*: Rediscovered
Bluoxyde: Hedgehog
jillybug ~: Word on the trail is...
Supernenek: 2 Sisters
CSaw★: Meet @ Cataholic Cafe'
Mil❤: flyyy
angiel: 7 | 52
ɐuɐ!|ә: Following the sun ...Explore!!!
marycocoa♫: Yosd Bag for Dollfete
Ulat23: IMG_2653
violetpie: Finally...
SDink: 2011_01_29_Draculaura_01
giulietta degli spiriti: commedia dell'arte
ElfinHugs: Sweet Enyo For Stefy
~LoReLei~: RunningNose in Dusty Mauve
ElfinHugs: Iplehouse Naias For Jo