joe snag: out cold
joe snag: IMG_1168
joe snag: well
joe snag: IMG_7830
joe snag: IMG_7854
joe snag: Fun day at Crystal Lake
joe snag: IMG_7931
joe snag: 100_1190
joe snag: 100_1028
joe snag: never posted this one before I think
joe snag: Braless,you don't see to often from her
joe snag: IMG_0546_00
joe snag: IMG_0544_00
joe snag: IMG_0554_00_resized
joe snag: either fix it or take it off
joe snag: Obsidian Knife & Antler
joe snag: IMG_2793_resized
joe snag: bikini
joe snag: awesome bikin
joe snag: bikini again,I miss summer
joe snag: drill or point?
joe snag: Poached-buck-in-New-York,Killed by my house
joe snag: Savage Axis ll
joe snag: Obsidian and Remington
joe snag: Blue chert or glass slag at a neighbors yard
joe snag: Tree stand view this week before we got 12" more
joe snag: My buddy Dan got a nice one
joe snag: My nephew got a nice one
joe snag: Knife blade
joe snag: Some flint knives of mine