Photo Sangara: Protecting the Family (XOXO for kind comments and award.)
alex omarsson: Ófeigsfjörður, Iceland
Photo Sangara: Momma's Got a Catch
kareszzz: Ellis Island
Shirren Lim Photography: .black curves.
Shirren Lim Photography: <mongolian high country>
Shirren Lim Photography: .the crossing.
Shirren Lim Photography: .horse sleigh driver.
Shirren Lim Photography: .reindeer people.
Shirren Lim Photography: [mongolian horseman]
Shirren Lim Photography: Print Edition: Shirren Lim / Mata
Shirren Lim Photography: .[back] at the crossroads ii.
Shirren Lim Photography: .days of empty hand.
Shirren Lim Photography: .[the] calling.
Shirren Lim Photography: .and though she be but little, she is fierce. ~ William Shakespeare
Shirren Lim Photography: .she was afraid of heights but she was much more afraid of never flying. ~ Atticus
Shirren Lim Photography: .Janerke Eagle Huntress.
Shirren Lim Photography: .Two Pony Tail.
Shirren Lim Photography: .Up up and Away.
Shirren Lim Photography: .[A] Curious Cloud.
Shirren Lim Photography: .portrait of a husky.
Shirren Lim Photography: .[the] old man.
Shirren Lim Photography: .[the] white stripes.
Shirren Lim Photography: . [of] light and darkness. IV
Shirren Lim Photography: .walk in the light. V