Tim Aldworth:
Tim Aldworth:
Tim Aldworth:
Tim Aldworth:
M38 Star Cluster in Auriga
Tim Aldworth:
Langstone Harbour at Low Tide
Tim Aldworth:
Tamarisk Trees on the Shoreline
Tim Aldworth:
Langston Harbour Tree
Tim Aldworth:
M45 Pleiades LRGBHa
Tim Aldworth:
Staunton Country Park Lake
Tim Aldworth:
Staunton Country Park Autumn Leaves
Tim Aldworth:
Staunton Country Park - Walk in the woods
Tim Aldworth:
Staunton Country Park - Walk in the woods
Tim Aldworth:
Chichester Cathedral 01
Tim Aldworth:
Chichester Cathedral 02
Tim Aldworth:
Chichester Cathedral 03
Tim Aldworth:
Chichester Cathedral 04
Tim Aldworth:
Chichester Cathedral 05
Tim Aldworth:
Chichester Cathedral 06
Tim Aldworth:
Chichester Cathedral 07
Tim Aldworth:
Chichester Cathedral 08
Tim Aldworth:
Chichester Cathedral 09
Tim Aldworth:
Sycamore/Acer Autumn Leaf
Tim Aldworth:
Eurasian Jay with acorn
Tim Aldworth:
Great White Egret
Tim Aldworth:
Langstone Mill
Tim Aldworth:
Langstone Mill
Tim Aldworth:
Pacman Nebola NGC281
Tim Aldworth:
Blue moon (Yes really!)
Tim Aldworth:
The swallows are gathering . .
Tim Aldworth:
Rowan in the rough