motingey: Oxfordshire cool shade
motingey: OnBlackheath 2018
motingey: OnBlackheath 2018
motingey: OnBlackheath 2018
motingey: OnBlackheath 2018
motingey: OnBlackheath 2018
motingey: Caterpillar (Painted Lady Butterfly?)
motingey: Caterpillar (Silver Y Moth?)
motingey: Caterpillar (Silver Y Moth?)
motingey: Male Orange-tip Butterfly emerging
motingey: Male Orange-tip Butterfly emerging
motingey: Male Orange-tip Butterfly Emerging
motingey: Male Orange-tip Butterfly Emerging
motingey: Male Orange-tip Butterfly emerging
motingey: A very small bug
motingey: North Kent Bluebells and Wood Anemones
motingey: North Kent Downs Bluebells
motingey: North Kent Downs. Bluebells and logs.
motingey: North Kent Downs, Wood Anemone
motingey: North Kent Downs. Stitchwort, Wood anemone, Celandine and Bluebells
motingey: Celandine North Kent Downs
motingey: Shoreham, Kent
motingey: Rowdow bluebells
motingey: Row dow bluebells
motingey: Pot of Petals
motingey: Hairy/Sloe Shield Bug - Dolycoris baccarum
motingey: Honey Bee on Ceanothus
motingey: Orange ladybird Halyzia Sedecimguttata