vathiman: Ripples in yellow
snorri.s: Kleifarvatn
Edith Hoffman: Waterscapes
janruss: Dancing Fuchsias
RainerSchuetz: Textures of summer
RainerSchuetz: Textures of Spring
RainerSchuetz: Fields of green and yellow
yushimoto_02 [christian]: Bali - Batu Beach
yushimoto_02 [christian]: Conrad Hotel Bali - Wedding Chappel III
yushimoto_02 [christian]: The Upward Spiral
yushimoto_02 [christian]: Conrad Hotel Bali - Wedding Chappel I
Clonedbird 克隆鳥 & Iris 艾莉絲: 櫻花淚 (Explored) Sakura's tears
Seri@d'alpha (Busy): UntukMu.......
nans0410(busy): 梅奔舞影(Plum unrestrained and motions)
nans0410(busy): 晨開紅盤(Morning Dew)
nans0410(busy): 閂山日出(Sunrise on Shuan mountain)
Ioanna Fisilani: paroikia_paros
klaus53: arnissimo (2)
SdR Art Photography: Sunset @ Saint Michel
**Aina** mostly off: Small blue beauty
NPPhotographie: Sonnenblumen - en France
melepix: Angel Wings
iomario : Ormeggi
Judd Patterson: Snowy Egret
pedro lastra: Snowy Egret Fishing - Egretta Thula