Silentmaster OO5: This sauce is f*cking amazing! You said it was promoting a movie?
Silentmaster OO5: Ohhhh boy!!!!!!
Silentmaster OO5: Christo Flash and Iron Man for Sale
Silentmaster OO5: Cybertronic Spree
Silentmaster OO5: Cybertronic Spree
Silentmaster OO5: Cybertronic Spree
Silentmaster OO5: Family Photo
Silentmaster OO5: With the Boss!
Silentmaster OO5: With the Boss!
Silentmaster OO5: Amazing Armory
Silentmaster OO5: Amazing Armory
Silentmaster OO5: Finally!!
Silentmaster OO5: "Diane. 11:30 am, February 24th. Entering the town of Twin Peaks."
Silentmaster OO5: This is Lucille and she is awesome!
Silentmaster OO5: Can you spot the references?! Merry Christmas to all!!!
Silentmaster OO5: Have we pissed our pants yet?!
Silentmaster OO5: Dallas Police Memorial
Silentmaster OO5: Swedish-Made
Silentmaster OO5: National Police Week Survivor Escorts. I got me a bobby helmet!
Silentmaster OO5: Pieces together
Silentmaster OO5: Camera Mod
Silentmaster OO5: Pieces you need
Silentmaster OO5: Destroyer Gunzooka
Silentmaster OO5: Agent Coulson
Silentmaster OO5: The 10th Doctor