8225790: Rush hour in southern California
8225790: A hot snowy owl in southern California
8225790: Quiet morning at the pond
8225790: Double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus)
8225790: Snowy egret (Egretta thula)
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8225790: Aeonium "Jack Catlin'
8225790: Lake of Reflected Fragrance 2
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8225790: Inscriptions from Chinese literature on limestone
8225790: Pavilion of the Three Friends from waterfall
8225790: Lake of Reflected Fragrance 3
8225790: Bridge of the Joy of Fish
8225790: A view from Love of the Lotus Pavilion
8225790: Chinese garden, looking south
8225790: Chinese garden stone with inscription 2
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8225790: Lake of Reflected Fragrance 1
8225790: Chinese garden stone with inscription 1
8225790: Courtyard of Assembled Worthies
8225790: Natal Plum
8225790: Golden Barrel Cactus
8225790: Entrance to a Chinese garden
8225790: Cool mountain pool on a hot day
8225790: Looking downstream, summer morning
8225790: The old man in the rock
8225790: Gurgling stream during the dry season
8225790: Taking a bath in a tree tunnel
8225790: Laurel Street
8225790: DSC_6770