ZERO Halliburton - USA: Halliburton - Rubber seal is still intact
ZERO Halliburton - USA: Halliburton - Serial number plate & lock
ZERO Halliburton - USA: Halliburton - Serial number plate closeup
Chicago Rail Head: The Lake Street EL., Just dropped off passengers at Oak Park Avenue and South Boulevard . 1907.
jsmatlak: Cleveland- B&O Roundhouse
BanjoBiker: 1960 Vibroplex Blue Racer SN 214478 with Vari-Speed - restoration completed
Andres Thorarinsson: TF3HRY with his Collins 75S-3C Receiver
Ken, KE1RI: Scott SLR-M Marine Radio in cabinet
Phuket Paul: Phillips Memorial Cloister
David Illig: Rehabbed 1982 Questar on Tri Stand 170623
David Illig: 1982 Questar on Tri Stand
IZ0KRC: Wilson MFG Co.
IZ0KRC: McElroy 1935 Shallow Vee
France1978: Vintage RCA 826 Transmitting Triode Vacuum Tube, Produced for the U.S. Army, NOS, Circa 1943
kevystew: Memorial Hall- Northland College- Ashland WI
Arjan N.: Collins Equipment - Beckman 7700/3 Shortwave Receiver (Collins 51J-4)
Brule Laker: Central Camera Company
Mikepaws: USAF C-32A taxiing for take-off
clay53012: 29-DC-SchoolPH6x1e
clay53012: scnd-35mm--Welcome-SSBN-to Pearl Harbor ~1968
clay53012: scnd 35mm slide,filming "Tora-Tora-Tora", ca 1968
clay53012: scnd 35mm slide - AZ Mem ~1968
bogershowie: Tal M focuser & finder
niureitman: New Glasses Selfie
niureitman: The Original Green River
niureitman: Fotomat Envelope
Grudnick: SKYBUDDY
Ray Cunningham: Ukrainian War Stamp