Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Political Dissent... It begins in the parking lot...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Political statements...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
...and now a word from the Loyal Opposition...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
In front of Government Accountability Board offices
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
The press estimated a crowd of 3000
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
The Union Thugs are out in force today...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
This is what Democracy looks like...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Good Guys Wear Yellow
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
At the doors of GAB
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
The Common Denominator...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
But NOW we get down to business!!!
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Scott Walker is a Kochsucker...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
The Voice of the People...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
A pair of Protest Pups
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Yes, Unions ARE involved in the recall effort...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
The event wouldn't be complete without a Cheddarhead!
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
The Petitions Have Arrived!
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
The Mutha Truckin' Petitionmobile has ARRIVED!!!
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
A truck full of sealed cartons...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Whatta pile!!!
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Start hauling 'em inside now...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
...And the boxes go rolling along...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Another carton of petitions goes in...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Haul 'em inside!
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Keep 'Em Coming!
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
One more carton on it's way...
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Keep hauling 'em inside!
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
Recall people wear yellow
Hanover Fiste of Mad City:
More and more boxes....