2017 July 29 ~ The North America & Pelican Nebulae [WITH LABELS]
KW AstroPhoto: Hubble Space Telescope pass - 20170722 (1of3)
WXSpencerSills: Mist over Lake of Two Rivers
NASA HQ PHOTO: Expedition 48 Soyuz TMA-20M Landing (NHQ201609070003)
NASA HQ PHOTO: Expedition 48 Soyuz TMA-20M Landing (NHQ2016090700011) 2015 Sept. 14 ~ Alpha & Beta Centauri, the Southern Cross & the Coal Sack 2015 Sept. 11 ~ The waning crescent Moon and Venus from Australia 2015 Sept. 7 ~ The Twelve Apostles
NASA HQ PHOTO: Expedition 43 Launch (201503280004HQ)
NASA HQ PHOTO: Expedition 42 Soyuz TMA-14M Landing (201503120102HQ)
NASA HQ PHOTO: Expedition 42 Soyuz TMA-14M Landing (201503120101HQ)
FailedProtostar: Jupiter, February 10, 2015 with iPhone Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer tracking mount 2014 Nov. 28 ~ The constellation Crux and the Coal Sack
Nikki0972: The media watching the rollback
Nikki0972: LeVar Burton at the pad
Dave XVII Chapman: 2013Christmas 2013-11-03; Partial eclipse of the Sun over Lake Ontario (from Toronto; -1 degree C.)