l_dewitt: Gray Squirrel #2
l_dewitt: Chipmunk
l_dewitt: Gray Squirrel
l_dewitt: Eastern Gray Squirrel
l_dewitt: Eastern Gray Squirrel
l_dewitt: Eastern Gray Squirrel
l_dewitt: Eastern Gray Squirrel (Video)#1
l_dewitt: Eastern Gray Squirrel (Video)#2
l_dewitt: American Red Squirrel
l_dewitt: Eastern Gray Squirrel
l_dewitt: Frozen
l_dewitt: The Alarm
l_dewitt: Little Squeaky
l_dewitt: Northern Flying Squirrel
l_dewitt: Watching each other....
l_dewitt: Boy it is wet and cold
l_dewitt: %^#& hang nail
l_dewitt: SO .. What are you doing?
l_dewitt: I know your there.
l_dewitt: Night Vistors.........
l_dewitt: 3 Legged Squirrel
l_dewitt: %$#& he saw me....
l_dewitt: I hate the COLD.......
l_dewitt: Put them up, I said .........
l_dewitt: Hey have any Hickory nuts........
l_dewitt: I smell seeds.........
l_dewitt: Eating Seeds.......
l_dewitt: What about us.........
l_dewitt: Brush pile Gray Squirrel.........
l_dewitt: OK where did ........