l_dewitt: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
l_dewitt: Fisher Cat or Fisher (Video)
l_dewitt: Baby WoodChuck.
l_dewitt: Snow Fleas (Springtails) Video
l_dewitt: Wild Turkeys (Video)
l_dewitt: Red Spotted Purple butterfly
l_dewitt: Double-crested Cormorant (Juvenile)
l_dewitt: Baby Skunks (Video)
l_dewitt: SPRING is here...................
l_dewitt: Bald Eagle in flight (Video)
l_dewitt: Clouds through the White Pine
l_dewitt: NIGHT CLUB 1939
l_dewitt: Old Logging Train tracks in Vilas County
l_dewitt: Mable Alice (Sayner) DeWitt
l_dewitt: Sayner Train Station
l_dewitt: See....Told you I can walk on Water
l_dewitt: Blue Dasher
l_dewitt: Morning Glow
l_dewitt: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
l_dewitt: Eastern Tent Caterpillars
l_dewitt: Mystic in the morning
l_dewitt: Sharing the nectar
l_dewitt: Autum Color
l_dewitt: Yet another day
l_dewitt: Song Sparrow
l_dewitt: Colors
l_dewitt: Autum colors
l_dewitt: Ducks and Geese (Video)
l_dewitt: Surf casting in New England
l_dewitt: Red-Bellied Woodpecker