Bella the Border: Blue skies.
Bella the Border: Västra Spöland, very cold.
Bella the Border: Have a Merry one folks.
Bella the Border: It's going to be a white one.
Bella the Border: It has been one month now and I've resigned myself to the fact that this new addition to the family is permanent.
Bella the Border: The White Witch has touched the land.
Bella the Border: One week at grandma's house and I come back to this horror. I am not taking it well.
Bella the Border: Frosty morning down at the meadows.
Bella the Border: Geese in formation over Degernäs.
Bella the Border: I was not so sure at first but this new bump is actually quite comfy.
Bella the Border: Harvesting the garden after the first frost.
Bella the Border: Night sky at Bjuröklubb
Bella the Border: Södra Degernässlätten
Bella the Border: The sound of pipes led us to a park and this chap yesterday. Not something you see, or hear everyday in our little Swedish city.
Bella the Border: Half my dew claw snapped off when I was playing with a ball at the beach today. The vet cleaned it up but I am back in tomorrow to have the other half removed. Feeling pretty miserable and only just managed to wolf down a little salmon for dinner.
Bella the Border: Boletus edulus
Bella the Border: Oyster mushrooms ready for picking.
Bella the Border: Our balcony is a little green oasis now. Sometimes we all sleep out here.
Bella the Border: Vík í Mýrdal
Bella the Border: Taking shelter from a downpour.
Bella the Border: The grass is always greener...
Bella the Border: Hvalfjörður, Iceland
Bella the Border: An elk and her calf on midsummer's eve.
Bella the Border: Arnäs kyrka
Bella the Border: Hobbits!!
Bella the Border: Rhubarb. It seems to have shot up overnight and there has been a promise made to keep it under control this year. First on the menu was a queen of puddings with ginger and rhubarb.