farbstoff-bridge: alternating Blocks
garibi ilan: The Imperial Nine
instagram.com/arsenikoom: Dreamcatcher? (2016)
Bekhy: Pinwheel scrap improv quilt #2
Rui.Roda: Violin - Gen Hagiwara
Michał Kosmulski: Two-in-one flower tessellation — type 1 flower close-up
Dasssa: Mandala
Marie.Frances: Nothing is as straight as it seems
Yureiko: 100 Iimori
KyndraQuilts: starburstblock1
Vladimir Phrolov: Blooming Antares - CP
ericajackman: The Carol Quilt
Alatariel Leralonde: Fun By The Dozen :)
mamacjt: Nice and Colorful
debvolkman: quilt
Be*mused: **HOPE
jkramsey42: Pineapple Punch
byneedleandthread: My Minny Muu - Feb 09
earthckat: Finished Top
edeltraudewert: Flower Wheels
smallwon: Amanda's quilt
Piecemeal Quilts: Basket Case 1
JAmundsen: DizzyGeeseIMG_0780.JPG
Holee: arailr2
knitterleigh: January Block Q12Tog