Freya Coursey: Reeves Muntjac
Nick.Bell: Eye Eye (The Ugly Deer)
Nick.Bell: Grumpy Cat
Freya Coursey: Dipper at the falls
Freya Coursey: Eagle Owl
Julie Auffrey: Bald Eagle
ariane.fgs: Oh, deer.
kc.raine: guide dogs-2
kc.raine: guide dogs-4
nathaliemitchell: 03-IMG_6039
nathaliemitchell: 10-IMG_6082
nathaliemitchell: 08-IMG_6060
kathrynjones4: Guide Dogs 3
MokshaDolphin: Bored
MokshaDolphin: What did I do?
giedruzhe: DSCF4468
giedruzhe: DSCF4504
Nick.Bell: Dawn Silhouette
shawtography: IMG_5874-5
Renaxytee: _IGP0326
Renaxytee: _IGP0331
LegoFigure: DSC_0090
Matt Bango: African Wild Dog
Gonzak: Para vos...
hvhe1: The river and the Styx
ucumari photography: Pink sunshine
ucumari photography: Bleck... morning breath