lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): im one HAPPY idiot
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): u seriously blame him?
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): AGAIN WITH THE BUT'S
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): thats a real family
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): i just dont want to
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): love is beyond every reason
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): my friend did this
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): kevin im runing out of awww's
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): please let not start it again
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): nick brings out his inner JOE
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): dude ..look at what u dumped
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): u do that alot ..ur very cute joe
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): THANK U ..IM HONORED TO BE ONE OF U
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): best fans in the world
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): what a stupid lamb
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): he is the lucky one
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): felt pretty pervert
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): more than a body guard
lulu.jb.....(I<3TheFirstWife): HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSEPH