rieblinga: Berlin Trabrennbahn Mariendorf 30.12.2021
eggwah123: Black and white New Zealand South Island
Jean-Paul Wagner: Berger Blanc Suisse
Ryan Smith Photography: Happy couple sitting by the sea oats
gusdiaz: Sunrise looks spectacular
gusdiaz: If there's
Ryan Smith Photography: Cute old dog with her family
pbemjestes: Towering Figure-2
pbemjestes: Eye in the Sky
Marco Pacini: ArnoSunSet
free3yourmind: The Milky Way Sun
vldd: old street
der_peste (on/off): Odd Couple
Ryan Smith Photography: Bride looking out the window - Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Ryan Smith Photography: Lots of hugs for Grandad - Atalaya Castle
cjstafford: _24Y2156
coomare: Bald Eagle
Tim Vollmer Photography: I wish you an wonderful Sunday :-) this image i captured in the Masai Mara, Kenya during our last Photo tour - www.timvollmer.de
improsara: ScaffaNott2-4
Bailey the cool one: Starr Studio
mikullashbee: Black-necked Stork (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus), Brisbane, Australia
Bailey the cool one: Emilio Portraits
mturnau: Crusty & Rusty
Gary Fairhead: Pileated Flight Pattern
Ryan Smith Photography: If they are already soaked you might as well get some fun pictures