Happyshooter / Joe M: Tina My Autumn Colored Cat (Explored)
Franc Le Blanc .: Hello !!! In explore !
Atmospherics: Blossoms
mejud: Jump
bluedeltic2011: No. 95 Magic or Magical 114 Pictures in 2014 (Explore)
komehachi888: expecting
Michele & Miriam Photography: Ponte Vasco De Gama (more inside)
trigun123456: DSCF6391
hom26: Portugal 2011
Jesús A. Sanz: Coimbra (Portugal). Universidad. Portada de la Biblioteca Joanina
orbitech_gr: Bella Roma
PuffinArt: Lina, Nina and Tina?
Ian Livesey: "I'm a pig pirate... arrrrrrrr"
go wild - NZ outside: view from the bushline
AnyMotion: Looking Back ...
Sizun Eye: Rejected
Kuayjeng: ICELAND_4674.jpg
Four Seasons Garden: Autumn acer colours at sunrise in our upper garden
♥siebe ©: Dutch Tulips
Sizun Eye: Candelabra of the Alexander III bridge
radvydas: homemade evening tea with honey
Renee Rendler: Comfort Food
cafe noHut: Weekend Breakfast Table
MassiVerdu: Il Duomo dal ponte
Andres.np: Barcos por la riviera
ronzigler: Fox Hunting IMG_9854