Carlos J. Teruel: Popewan en Carrasqueira
Craigraymond82: Another time........ maybe
geinography: Luma
Ula P: Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
Valentinian: Old and New
VikasAnand: The North Bank Bridge
hanson_s_lee: When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
lrargerich: The Golden Dunes at Night
AJ Scapes: Cape Cornwall
Jinna van Ringen: Transamerica Panorama
Habub3: Autumn in the Beech Forest
.Ira: ficus carica.
RiesenFotos: Münchner Oktoberfest
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception
Frank van de Loo: Ballet in the foyer
Timba Limber: Revolution 9
IPM.UK: A squirrel and his nuts ;o)) ~ explore
StephanieB.: Just before the night..
C. Dastodd: Philly Nights
marin.tomic: Sunday morning stroll - X
Steve Haseldine: Trent Bridge [Explored]
In Memoriam: ccgd: Good morning Scotland
Jinna van Ringen: Transamerica
Dan. D.: Madeleine Island
/\ltus: Southern California
HollyCBell: Message in a Bottle (explored)
T.I.T.A.: ¿Alguien más quiere zumo?
Dan. D.: The Cave