hullabaloo homestead: What else is there to do after two nights in a row of being up with sick kids? Can a bushel of peaches with the hubs, of course.
hullabaloo homestead: Shoes. He loves them. All shapes and sizes; colors and kinds. It's that simple.
hullabaloo homestead: Backyard s'mores in the making tonight at our house.
hullabaloo homestead: After only having only showers for the past two and a half years, a daily bath has become one of our favorite things to do.
hullabaloo homestead: He tried to hatch his own egg, so he wrapped it up in his bed. Yea, didn't work out so well.
hullabaloo homestead: Happiness is: swings and some sunshine. Yes, this is the good life!
hullabaloo homestead: Treasured favorites; treasured memories.
hullabaloo homestead: Watching the pouring rain come down.
hullabaloo homestead: I guess it's an extra sleepy kinda day today.
hullabaloo homestead: Finally casting on!! It's mud season!!
hullabaloo homestead: Yesterday. Just me and him. Bending all the rules.
hullabaloo homestead: ~good morning sweet basil~
hullabaloo homestead: Sick baby. Tired mama.
hullabaloo homestead: One toddler, a basket of silks and clothes pins= hours of entertainment.
hullabaloo homestead: The boys are wrestling and the baby is wearing underwear around his neck. Enough said.
hullabaloo homestead: What?! We're not going to bed?! I don't know about you, but that's kinda what I had planned. :/
hullabaloo homestead: Learning about the heart and its parts and their functions. #homeschooling #unschooling #todayisagoodday
hullabaloo homestead: Girl fun in the dressing the mall...of all the places you could ever find me;)
hullabaloo homestead: It's a rearranging/organizing kinda day at my house.
hullabaloo homestead: Enjoying fresh new art supplies!
hullabaloo homestead: Super glad that sometimes there's a sweet reward after all the hard work involved;)
hullabaloo homestead: Merry Christmas!!
hullabaloo homestead: Sometimes it's nice to get a sweet reward after all the hard work us parents do...especially during the holidays. #makingmemories
hullabaloo homestead: And so it begins...I've gained my newest dinner prep side kick.
hullabaloo homestead: Today's lunch was brought to you by...Bella.
hullabaloo homestead: ...just a bit of yogurt in the morning...
hullabaloo homestead: Chocolate covered pretzels in the making (with a monkey in the background) of course).
hullabaloo homestead: What I love, is when they make up their own rules, and they both get it, and enjoy each other.
hullabaloo homestead: Well that was fun! #christmascrafting
hullabaloo homestead: We take winter seriously up here. 17 inches and counting.