Usher Bell 2009: African Jacana
Usher Bell 2009: Impala with Red-Billed Oxpecker
Usher Bell 2009: Cape Vulture and Silverstriped Jackal fighting for food !!
Usher Bell 2009: Saddle - Billed Stork (female) (Critically Endangered)
Usher Bell 2009: Female Lions early morning
Usher Bell 2009: Goliath Heron with fish
Usher Bell 2009: Southern Ground Hornbill (Critically Endangerd)
Usher Bell 2009: Elephant Bull
Usher Bell 2009: Lilac - Breasted Roller
Usher Bell 2009: Tawny Eagle (juvenile) with kill !
Usher Bell 2009: Cape Vulture
Usher Bell 2009: Cape Rock Thrush
Usher Bell 2009: Collared Sunbird
Usher Bell 2009: Hamerkop
Usher Bell 2009: Pied Kingfisher
Usher Bell 2009: Burchell's Coucal
Usher Bell 2009: Black Rhino
Usher Bell 2009: Side-striped Jackal
Usher Bell 2009: Burchell's Coucal
Usher Bell 2009: Brown hooded kingfisher with a grasshopper
Usher Bell 2009: Lilac-Breasted Roller
Usher Bell 2009: Southern Carmine Bee - Eater
Usher Bell 2009: Collared Sunbird
Usher Bell 2009: European Bee-Eater
Usher Bell 2009: Great Crested Grebe
Usher Bell 2009: African Goshawk (male)
Usher Bell 2009: Woodland Kingfisher
Usher Bell 2009: African Spoonbill
Usher Bell 2009: Grey Heron with fish