Silvan72: Milano - via Gerolamo Morone
Silvan72: Milano - Palazzo Reale
JulienTocanier: 2012-10-03 - _DSC0654
Lorenzo Montina: "Papa' e' tornato" Self-Portrait
JonBauer: There was a pregnant pause before he said ok
Alex Belyaev: [52] Twenty-eight
dan.edit28: Sharing a look.
Bobiko: A cat's tongue in action.
Gary Rowlands: The V-Vicar
masf: Cat Tag
Arianna_M: How to catch the soul of a photographer
David Pellicola: Come faremo ad uscire da qui? (#275 EXPLORED)
victorconsaga: Razor Wire and Hearts
victorconsaga: overlap
skelter: Paris (Louvre)
Alfio Ansaloni: Il Paterno allo specchio
... Tina: ....
ol3loceano: Ti regalo un sorriso ... (More inside) Spread Your Wings, Child [Featured]
alner_s: "Kayak's at Lake Balanan" :: Lake Balanan Series
giraffina12: la vedevo fredda