Carbon Arc: Still glows some 25 years later! -[ #FlickrFriday ]-
Carbon Arc: Kalart-Victor 70-25 16mm sound movie projector (2014 reshoot)
Carbon Arc: Bulging third-party battery
Carbon Arc: Anamorphic adaptor squeezed
Carbon Arc: Optical #oval -[ #FlickrFriday ]-
Carbon Arc: Terminal taking a seat -[ HMM ]-
Carbon Arc: Ready to lend a hand
Carbon Arc: A magnetic personality -[ HMM ]-
Carbon Arc: Tiny trees -[ HMM ]-
Carbon Arc: An eighth-teaspoon* of flame -[ HSS ]-
Carbon Arc: Orange on orange -[ HMM ]- >>Explored<<
Carbon Arc: Nine points -[ HMM ]-
Carbon Arc: Solder and smoke -[ HMM ]-
Carbon Arc: Cotton icicles -[ HMM ]-
Carbon Arc: Standing sliderized -[ HSS ]-
Carbon Arc: Standing [T}all -[ Flickr Friday ]- >>Explored<<
Carbon Arc: PVC tree -[ CrAzY Tuesday ]-
Carbon Arc: Pinned -[ HMM ]-
Carbon Arc: Colorful, practical flexibility -[ HMM ]-
Carbon Arc: Bright wires on black -[ SoS ]-
Carbon Arc: Colorful connective curves -[ HMM ]-
Carbon Arc: Cooling down, old-school style -[ CrAzY Tuesday ]- >>Explored<<
Carbon Arc: Firequackers! -[ CrAzY Tuesday ]-