:sus:: [81/365] The Letter O
:sus:: [80/365] Believe
:sus:: [11/365] Kettle v.2
:sus:: All smiles
:sus:: bella on white
:sus:: down and out
:sus:: if looks could kill
:sus:: trotting along
:sus:: classic pug head tilt
:sus:: bella and her purple jumper
:sus:: jump
:sus:: Nike SB Dunks
:sus:: who's walking who?
:sus:: Walks
:sus:: not letting go
:sus:: Doggie nap
:sus:: golden leaves
:sus:: love on the beach
:sus:: reach
:sus:: exactly what i wanted for location shots
:sus:: one of my favourite pics of the day
:sus:: tea ceremony with my little brother
:sus:: Seeing red
:sus:: Winter
:sus:: our pond