ramon.caceres: Kitchen workers at a West Village restaurant find a way to watch the Mexico-Cameroon game.
ramon.caceres: Ceci n'est pas une image (or, picture frame around a hole in a fence).
ramon.caceres: Old-school sensor tech: Listening to a street-level vent for when to shut off the oil to a basement boiler.
ramon.caceres: It's soft and quiet and beautiful out there in the snow tonight.
ramon.caceres: Romance lives on the bulletin board of a local cafe. "To a trombone player in this neighborhood: …"
ramon.caceres: Love these rooftop water tanks, still made of wood 150 years after their introduction in NYC.
ramon.caceres: 1 year ago, 3 days after Sandy, outside a cafe with a generator in the West Village.
ramon.caceres: Dug up my 1990 PostScript code that draws an astrolabe for any latitude. A labor of love and trigonometry.
ramon.caceres: Packing for an office move. /* You are not expected to understand this. */
ramon.caceres: Hulk want pacifier! Graffiti on Mulberry St near Canal.
ramon.caceres: SantaCon backlash at the White Horse Tavern.
ramon.caceres: Spring in New Amsterdam.
ramon.caceres: Community garden in Alphabet City. At a sunny 60F/15C on January 7, Caribbean breezes indeed.
ramon.caceres: Looking for early-arriving humpback whales at the mouth of Samaná Bay. No whales, but a fun sail on Megaptera.
ramon.caceres: Recharging the batteries in Las Terrenas, DR.
ramon.caceres: La Cafetera Colonial in old Santo Domingo. Unchanged since my father hung out there in the 1950s.
ramon.caceres: Another great meal at Sweet Deliverance in Bed-Stuy, this one made by the Underground Food Collective of Madison, WI.
ramon.caceres: I love how gingko trees turn a brilliant yellow this time of year.
ramon.caceres: Finally went by the protests in Zuccotti Park. Strong déjà vu from People's Park in Berkeley.
ramon.caceres: Cantinflas has a posse. About time. The man was a comic genius. (Graffiti on an ad in the Christopher St subway station.)
ramon.caceres: Delivered Fairhope to Lockwood Boat Works for the winter on a crisp and cloudless day.
ramon.caceres: At the Rutgers-USF football game, where Rebecca was honored as a distinguished faculty member during halftime.
ramon.caceres: Friends have decorated their house with Doctor Who's TARDIS. Being a theater professional comes in handy for Halloween.
ramon.caceres: Cistern at the end of the old aqueduct in Lisbon, a remarkable piece of 1700's engineering with arches over 200 feet high.
ramon.caceres: I love Lisbon at night.
ramon.caceres: The train cars on the Lisbon-Cascais line are covered in graffiti. Feels like 1970's NYC up in here.
ramon.caceres: Fish traps and fishing boats, Cascais, Portugal.
ramon.caceres: Squirrel monkey in the rainforest off the Napo River.
ramon.caceres: I may have stumbled onto the origins of the Angry Birds mythology at the indigenous crafts market in Otavalo.
ramon.caceres: Zero latitude, Cayambe, Ecuador.