mackiefox: IMG_0778 - Version 3
mackiefox: Miss Froggie has gotten fat! Hadn't seen our amphibian friends for days during the heat wave. Good to see they are fine and have found plenty to eat apparently!
mackiefox: IMG_4955
mackiefox: IMG_4948
mackiefox: IMG_4943
mackiefox: Beautiful sky 6:00 am Saturday morning 7/16/2011
mackiefox: This is Tad, nearly tailless :)
mackiefox: Katie's reflection (do not be fooled by the serene pose. She has nothing but woodchucks on her mind).
mackiefox: Trio
mackiefox: Astilbe
mackiefox: I am so excited! Our tadpoles are "froggin' out"!!! Morphing right along into full froghood, they are now breathing air and have front legs, froggie eyes and well-developed back legs. Still have tails, but pretty soon they will be jumping right out of the
mackiefox: Tiger Swallowtail
mackiefox: Yellow form, female Tiger Swallowtail
mackiefox: Monarda (Bee Balm)
mackiefox: Tadpole
mackiefox: Tadpole
mackiefox: BBBBBBllllllllllbbbbbbb!!!!
mackiefox: Robin
mackiefox: Mr. Robin thinking of taking a dip in the pond.
mackiefox: Peaceful pose.
mackiefox: Relaxed
mackiefox: Splash of red
mackiefox: Cardinal
mackiefox: Robin
mackiefox: Mr. Robin thinking of taking a dip in the pond.
mackiefox: BBBBBBllllllllllbbbbbbb!!!!
mackiefox: All clean now!
mackiefox: Repose
mackiefox: Relaxed