Quimpadi: Macaones WPDAnimals
gseloff: Flyby
Titole: D'une scabieuse à l'autre ***--+----°
@5imonapol: san Pietro fa buon brodo
Gary Norman Photo: Back Garden Juvenile Robin
E_Rick1502: Calliope Hummingbird
charhedman: Translucence
mluisa_: Calice infranto
MarcusVanOpstal: DSCF0624
sombre lumiere: Tournesols encré
Bruno Conjeaud: Hooded Antpitta (Antpitta series 4)
by Gallo Photographs: DSC_0317 - cópia
by Gallo Photographs: IMG_0028 - cópia
by Gallo Photographs: DSC_9662 - cópia
Ricardo Bitran: Orange-breasted Sunbird (Anthobaphes violacea) Cape town, South Africa 2014
MCabalga: 086 – Coenagrion scitulum, ♂
reiko_robinami: step the Light
dngallphoto: Boston Skyline through Fence
Tom Fenske Photography: Exit Strategy
Nevereux: #fence
LSydney: Fence
Ian Rowing: Chasing The Light