sabrina0527: 🌟 早起遇见一束光。 腿上的疤竟然已经有八年了 有人心疼 有人亲吻 所以于我 它从不是伤痛缺陷 We're all imperfectly perfect.
etravus: Little Red Porsche
etravus: Hot Summer Day in the City
daaynos: Lastplak
cjPanda: 苦逼的插画师
{life through the lens}: Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Kit H: I know i'm not alone.
Latente 囧 Manolo "AngelFace"
tamjpn: ume
Luna~: X'mas tree on the way
daaynos: Surround by light in 2006!!
color line: Sidensvans (Bombycilla garrulus)
Hawk Photogrpahy: DSC03670.JPG