aj_kendo_f: 44th Foreign Kendo Leaders' Summer Seminar_001
aj_kendo_f: 44th Foreign Kendo Leaders' Summer Seminar_005
david roessli: First day of the New Year
pleclown: kendo. des gens qui se tapent dessus avec des bâtons en hurlant.
david roessli: With love
david roessli: enjoying life in Zermatt
david roessli: Zermatt 2013
Simon Collison: This will look very different tomorrow #naconf
david roessli: Putting away my #naconf #vintage #collectors
st-mark21: IMG_5304
st-mark21: IMG_5309
adamprocter: Photo Stream-261
david roessli: 3820m
Aubred: Platane aux stalactites de glace
Kendette: Championnats suisses de kendo
david roessli: St-Ives harbour
Fabian Gzlez: Stripestrooper
david roessli: Matterhorn
david roessli: Trying one last time with the help of the guys @drobo to make these DroboPros work on an XServe via iSCSI
natecroft: New-Adventures-After-Party-82
david roessli: Today's flowers
Mr Dã Tràng: little mouse