3D Hubs:
Gartner says the 3D printing market is going to keep growing at faster and faster rates. Read the full article here: http://tcrn.ch/1fI8BSk
3D Hubs:
Tonight the real life version of this green guy will give a presentation at 3D Italy: http://bit.ly/GEaRtt
3D Hubs:
Ultimaker showing their newest printer and of course recommending their buyers to list it on 3D Hubs
3D Hubs:
Are you thinking to buy a 3D Printer but you don't know which could be the best machine for you? Here a nice article that could help you in your decision: http://bit.ly/17r80OL
3D Hubs:
Super excited to share with you that we've expanded the 3D Hubs team with two very talented people, read more: http://bit.ly/171gFaA
3D Hubs:
We have now 1000 Hubs registered on 3dhubs.com !! How many Hubs do we need to unlock the world??
3D Hubs:
Scopri come stampare i tuoi soldi in 3D. Alle 18.30 #Aperiprint nella prima Hub romana: 3D Italy. Qui più info: http://on.fb.me/1fUDy0t
3D Hubs:
Domenica 15 settembre venite a trovarci alle 18.30 all’Aperiprint nella nostra prima Hub romana, 3D Italy. Parleremo di 3D Hubs e stampa 3D davanti ad una bella birra fredda! Qui l'evento http://on.fb.me/1fUDy0t
3D Hubs:
The Co-Founders of 3D Hubs cycling around the #Google Office! Who wants to join Bram and Brian in #MountainView ?