hehaden: P-l-e-a-s-e
No_Water: Nele_Lisa
ovofrito: Chuck the cat :)
_chrisUK: Denny 08/02/12 #001
buchsammy: Faster
slkindy: DSC_0147
loco's photos: Mama Kitty portrait
Raquel Cristina (Now, mother of two cute kittens): Quem está atrapalhando o meu sono de beleza????
Franco D´Albao: Decoradores urbanos
ildikoneer: autumn in the air - EXPLORED 10/09/11
BEZBERDY: Kissing Squirrels
@aalcantara04: Gotas Coloridas
Steph Blin: pitchou chat
hehaden: Gizmo
indycoon: Ozzy
mara zocolotte: Fantastic Trio by Maradona! (Explore 19/09/2011)
maotaro3: blue monday
LuFumagalli: maravilhoso
RosieSykes♥: Kitten #2
hehaden: Cally
karlaspence35: Happy Birthday Momo my love...Biker Rubin your love!!!!
Plaithy: I love him to bits !
Christine Lebrasseur: Laisse-moi plonger dans tes beaux yeux, mêlés de métal et d'agate