I Ate Yøur Guts: Warm blooded
Glenda Lissette: The Journey - 13/366
I Ate Yøur Guts: How I Became the Sea
Glenda Lissette: Vedova Nera
brookeshaden: the world above
au tum n.: >>>><<<<
I Ate Yøur Guts: Cut some flesh away, I'll carry this piece of you with me.
Erick Dondé: Trapped in the dark [29/52]
brookeshaden: the buoyancy in drowning
The Gurch 25: Bath time
Taylor Dawn Fortune: I Am Vertical
brookeshaden: playground for spirits
Louise Spence: 141.365
Flying Jenny: Glowing
brookeshaden: the facade of wilting flowers
Glenda Lissette: dandelion 14/365
Yue ♥: Invisible*
brookeshaden: hiding fragments of the future
mareva (lagordajarra): the phone call
Rowena R: Dreams
brookeshaden: compose:decompose
brookeshaden: dedication to life and death
brookeshaden: an asylum for metamorphosis
The Gurch 25: Zombie Sarge by The Gurch
figueroa9027: This Is Mines