__Daniele__: Elle Etait Oh !... IV
Rajan67: Western Bluebird Female
richarde2812: IMG_1441
richarde2812: Juvenile male Kestrel
richarde2812: Great Egret
vnelson: Riveted
richarde2812: Coyote
Morris Ng: Sunrise
cr8ed4joy: Scrub Jay
cr8ed4joy: Red-shafted Northern Flicker hiding in the poison oak
Davor Desancic: White-tailed Kite
cr8ed4joy: Red-shafted Northern Flicker
Davor Desancic: Into Darkness
Davor Desancic: Howling at the Moon
jellis50: Allens Hummingbird on nest
v_ac_md: why did the fox cross the road?
v_ac_md: looking through a window
v_ac_md: with a little spring in his footsteps
v_ac_md: half yawn
v_ac_md: almost full yawn
v_ac_md: kit with healing bite on the neck
pandatub: Allen's Hummingbird
pandatub: Allen's Hummingbird
MelRoseJ: Great Horned Owl Twins
Galactic Dreams: Border Collie Puppy Summer Hike
xicanoman: Hey, it was my turn!
xicanoman: Barn Swallow-0520
Jerry Ting: Big Quaking Grass/Rattlesnake Grass (Briza maxima)