MOVNGFWD: Reaching great heights. 2016
MOVNGFWD: Spring Bliss
MOVNGFWD: A splash of colour, of absolute beauty on an otherwise grey day. Thank you, hibiscus!
MOVNGFWD: Sisterhood.
MOVNGFWD: Splash of Life
MOVNGFWD: Bicycle in the Snow
MOVNGFWD: Summertime Shade
MOVNGFWD: Silhouette
MOVNGFWD: History Walk
MOVNGFWD: Northern Tranquility
MOVNGFWD: Upper West Side Living, NYC
MOVNGFWD: Sunbeams and Acoustics
MOVNGFWD: Whatcha Lookin' At?
MOVNGFWD: Signs-o-the-Times
MOVNGFWD: Benjamin Franklin Bridge, Philadelphia. 2014.
MOVNGFWD: Attention to Detail.
MOVNGFWD: Caught! Youki & Rema having some cuddle time in the back of the car after a walk.