radkescott: mermaid
.unsuono.: Sergio
.unsuono.: Ferri
wiseacre photo: Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole (038/365)
alexstoddard: Hurricane alex.
artdollrags: Dollstown Amy
Brad.Wagner: Vertigo
robby.cavanaugh: shaper of dreams.
heliantas: The little mermaid, second price for the contest on ldoll festival
Orangeeena: LDoll festival 2011
Hilda Randulv: Elsa Holmgren
kara o'keefe: explore
.joanna.galuszka.: woke up feeling heavy hearted
Lá caitlin: dream girls
brookeshaden: a collapsible tent
alexstoddard: The pains of capture.
alexstoddard: Wedding night.
Stephen Brace: Sailing home
zemotion: Irene