vantal: water, sunshine, meditation
vantal: stingray petting :)
vantal: my balcony farm :)
vantal: I'm a real mermaid :))
vantal: home made muzli slice
vantal: home made :)
vantal: we
vantal: csigák
vantal: I love the snowy nights
vantal: Erik and Alex :)
vantal: Marton's day roast goose (of course home made)
vantal: home made snowman cake
vantal: home made marbled meringues
vantal: home made :)
vantal: home made gluten free whey bread
vantal: chestnut kids :)
vantal: madartej (hungarian floating island - home made)
vantal: Home made gluten-free chocolate cake with marzipan
vantal: home made hungarian langallo and pizza
vantal: home made gluten free cheese cake
vantal: gluten free home made hungarian "somloi galuska"
vantal: Erik :)
vantal: Erik
vantal: Alex 4 years old (home made gluten free pirate cake)
vantal: I love the snow
vantal: snow globe effect
vantal: Alex baby
vantal: something will happen
vantal: autumn
vantal: dazzling