*Shalvi*: Check out my photo on @twenty20app. An Indian wedding. The indian bride is my sister and I have the permissions for the photo from my sister as well as my brother in law. I hope you enjoy the colours. :)
*Shalvi*: Kerala. India.
*Shalvi*: Trivandrum. India
*Shalvi*: Taj hotel, Mumbai. Still standing tall after 26/11.
*Shalvi*: Mumbai.
*Shalvi*: Humayun's tomb.
*Shalvi*: Canon 600D. An unexpected little guest.
*Shalvi*: Iphone6
*Shalvi*: Iphone6
*Shalvi*: Canon 600D
*Shalvi*: Shimla, Himachal. India
*Shalvi*: Kargil. Kashmir. India
*Shalvi*: Kashmir. India