cowgirlrightup: When clouds become poetry, lenticular magic unfolds.
Robert Drozda: Tree Farm
Robert Drozda: Tractor at Tree Farm
cowgirlrightup: Emerald Green Ice
cowgirlrightup: Pine Marten Tracks
cowgirlrightup: Ice Bubble Mountain
cowgirlrightup: Most Adorable Assassin
cowgirlrightup: Ice is Nice
cowgirlrightup: Balancing Act
Clicking Mad: 2025 1-52
cowgirlrightup: Well Made
cowgirlrightup: Into the Cloud of Silence
simpso87: Keene Valley, NY at almost peak fall foliage
Robert Drozda: Bluddha
Robert Drozda: Twisted
cowgirlrightup: There is something about the gentle wisdom in a horse's eye that can put even the most troubled soul at peace.
Stefan Giese: Vichtbachtal, Roetgen, Northern Eifel
Robert Drozda: Floodplain Trail
Robert Drozda: Bridge Dog
Robert Drozda: Essence
Clicking Mad: a bit of wind
cowgirlrightup: Hoo Goes There?
Robert Drozda: Nobody Here
Adventures of Wolfie: Arrival of winter
Adventures of Wolfie: Arrival of winter
Adventures of Wolfie: Arrival of winter
Adventures of Wolfie: Arrival of winter
Adventures of Wolfie: Arrival of winter