Victoria's Ride: The pier
Victoria's Ride: The pier
Victoria's Ride: The pier
Victoria's Ride: Group shot at the pier
Victoria's Ride: Group shot at the pier
Victoria's Ride: Group shot at the pier
Victoria's Ride: Group shot at the pier
Victoria's Ride: Where's my towel?
Victoria's Ride: Refreshed by a celebratory dip in the ocean
Victoria's Ride: Refreshed by a celebratory dip in the ocean
Victoria's Ride: About to dive in
Victoria's Ride: Dipping the SuperTour
Victoria's Ride: Dipping the SuperTour
Victoria's Ride: Heading for the water
Victoria's Ride: Heading for the water
Victoria's Ride: Me and Denise
Victoria's Ride: Me and Denise
Victoria's Ride: Disbelief
Victoria's Ride: Me and Fred
Victoria's Ride: SO happy!
Victoria's Ride: Made it!
Victoria's Ride: Denise, Fred, Karin, Diane