Bennahie: First of 14 pitches of Out of Africa - 580 metres, on Tsaranoro Kely.
Vasilis.: Meteora - Greece
ullapoolrock: Moy Rock
The Trad.: Warming, Waiting, Watching.
clitheroecountryfurniture: Kitchen dresser painted, with oak shelves
strobist: Manhattan Skyline
Ed_Robinson_101: IMG_1058.jpg
Ben Grubb: Sign
slack---line: Scoping the Route
slack---line: Brimstone
ullapoolrock: Goat Crag
Oliver C Wright: Sunflowers
MicheleCaminati: Drive safely
Oliver C Wright: A Lot of Green
Oliver C Wright: Ice Shark
Oliver C Wright: The Pentagram
MicheleCaminati: Chiesa San Martino
richiebetts: Torridon
Oliver C Wright: Autumn Swirls
strobist: DSCF9382.jpg
stulittlefair: Suavito
stulittlefair: Knackered
stulittlefair: Hawaii Sunset
BillOTex: Glacier Point Half dome
dubus regis: Bories et lavandes
arrigetch: Shadow
moaan: a pile of shoes
coulombic: Proxy by proxy.
coulombic: Red Cave.