TheaM1: TheaM1 finish
shoppemom: DIY Owl Crafts
shoppemom: Owl Template
carylwilson: Christmas HST runner
Luana Rubin: Mandala1A
Cindy in TN: Vignette in Stitches
Quiltjane: Dresdens25April
Rachel21Mac: The First Six
Cindy in TN: 100_2165
quiltinlizie: The gardens_208
quiltinlizie: The gardens_224
capitolaquilter: Placemats ALL 4 done
Primdec: a tisket, a tasket by Karen Schiltz
verykerryberry: Doll Quilt swap 10 Finished
BlueElephantStitches: Pillow for Grandma
AM of Gen X Quilters: Black Sheep Dresden Pillow
freshlypieced: Bloom Pillow
PioneerValleyGirl: Dresden Runner
AM of Gen X Quilters: Practice Dresden for {Sew} Beautiful Bee