RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
#Seanpro #professorChen #formosa #rap #hiphop #truestory #Bboy #DJ #graffiti #恆春代表 #代表恆春 #饒舌歌手 #陳教授 #春浪
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
#Seanpro #professorChen #formosa #rap #hiphop#truestory also Bboy#DJ#graffiti #恆春代表 #代表恆春 #饒舌歌手 #陳教授 #春浪
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
My doll baby
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
One gear no brake 1HP 60km#fixie #origenal #desigan by #passion #RH+O #fixedgear #RHO
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
#design #creative with new body #nissan body kit #gtr on #z33
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
#GTR #samurai #spirit .We OEM building #coil over #airfilter #exhaust #spark
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
I'm so sorry ~never drive a car with out sound #jdm bs #tesla
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
I will grow up⋯I will got #GTR
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
My princess 艸心矛木
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
Fxxx! #giant not thing Innovation!Follow my Tube design first, now even sticker! I'll fxxx you in rap ! king David fuck Giant 凸
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
Pimp my ride #z33 #vq35de
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
Taiwan #51 of US ? I hope so! The Dulles airport picture on my passport @@
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
Merry Christmas my baby girl
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
RH+O racing born ! #wtcc #raemco Next station US
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
Then ⋯ #relationship Friend form #Texas
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
Yes! A.K.A #professor SEAN & media army ready !
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
Family first~ #Mayor #actor #Gstar .I will be a #rapper
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
RH+O Wii be back , but no more Taiwan 😤
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
我出身低!但我的下一代有家徽! 我1/8邵族(貓頭鷹),武士文化是我年少的精神,一生追求十字架作祝福人的管道, 成就 上帝的國度的器皿!我的家徽從我開始!
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
Happy Halloween !
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
“人” 是最美麗的風景… 這是描述旅行 我們常會說的一句話 我的第一次的美國之旅就參加了兩場婚 其中一場的主角是我跟老婆;) 受邀的人數沒有台灣那樣盛大 卻有耗時24小時飄洋過海來的祝福 婚禮上的誓詞還沒開口雙方已淚眼汪汪 讓台下親友也不禁得哽咽 大部分的人都看得出來 第一次在眾人面前以英文演說的我抖的利害 下台後,阿姨們的問候總是來個環抱再”啵”一下臉頰 有一位鼓勵性的說.. Sean 你的英文很好。 岳父母、阿姨、姊姊兩夫妻 現在我在美國多了五個~”家人” 岳父話不多,如果沒有親自坐上他的” IMP
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
#z33 #350z KENTIN ALWAYS Surprised ME! #taiwan #kenting #biker #travel #website #hotel #bnb #scuba #diving #snorkeling #bhbh #BBQ #Booking https://www.facebook.com/groups/118093629262/
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
#oncloud987teen 花三個月可以環遊世界 要多少機緣能一同見證異國的婚禮?
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
在我心中,只有兩個國度! #saintpatrickcathedral
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
#bus #station in #kenting
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
Not thing only ocean #kenting
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
1965 my father ! #fathersday 14y old
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
Happy Father's Day #kenting
RH+O fixed gear specialist!:
包含🍻 1.🍣漁港直&送挪威低溫空運鮭魚綜合生魚片X30片 2.活凍小龍蝦X3 3.旭蟹X4 4.生蠔X12🎉 5.小鮑魚X12 6.帆立貝X500g 7🐚.風螺x500g 8.🍥鮭魚下巴1公斤 9.魷魚身x3 10.🍡手工花枝丸500g 11.🐟黃瓜魚x4 12.牛小排500g 13飛魚蛋香腸 14.鹹豬肉一份 15🍖新疆羊肉串一份 16.🍗雞腿串一份 17.:ode