BudCat14/Ross: Happy Birthday, Irving BERLIN - Original Sheet Music: FOLLOW THE FLEET (1936) Fred ASTAIRE, Ginger ROGERS
BudCat14/Ross: State Theatre, Harrisburg, PA. - 1956
BudCat14/Ross: Magazine AD: CinemaScope (1953)
BudCat14/Ross: Newspaper Ad: The ADVENTURES of HAJJI BABA (1954) Harrisburg, PA.
BudCat14/Ross: Newspaper Ad: A STAR IS BORN - Judy GARLAND (1954) - Coming, STATE Theatre, Harrisburg, PA.
BudCat14/Ross: View: LOCUST St. & STATE Theatre, Harrisburg, PA. USA - (1956)
BudCat14/Ross: Loew's REGENT Theatre & POMEROY's Department Store, Newspaper Movie ADS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
BudCat14/Ross: Tom Drake - Screen Songs Magazine, 1946
BudCat14/Ross: A Reissue, 1955. Loew's REGENT Theatre, Harrisburg, Pa.
BudCat14/Ross: Jules Has The Jitters: Jules Munshin and Ann Miller in the Prehistoric Man number from ON THE TOWN (1949)
BudCat14/Ross: Blue Sky over the SENATE Theatre, Harrisburg, PA. USA Kodachrome by Ross Care http://rosscare.blogspot.com/2012_02_01_archive.html
BudCat14/Ross: Senate Theatre, Entrance: Deco Doors & Electric Eye, Harrisburg, PA.
BudCat14/Ross: "And at a deadly pace......" IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE
BudCat14/Ross: THE THING (1951)
BudCat14/Ross: The Cool SENATE Theatre & THIS ISLAND EARTH (1955)
BudCat14/Ross: SENATE Theatre, Harrisburg, PA. USA
BudCat14/Ross: The VIRGIN QUEEN, SENATE Theatre, Harrisburg, Pa.
BudCat14/Ross: BAMBI Newspaper Ad, Senate Theatre, Harrisburg, PA. USA - Circa 1950s/'60s
BudCat14/Ross: The DOORs, with Electic Eye, SENATE Theatre - Photo by Ross Care
BudCat14/Ross: The Senate, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
BudCat14/Ross: COLONIAL Theatre, Market St. Harrisburg, PA. USA
BudCat14/Ross: COLONIAL Theatre Marquee, Market St., Harrisburg, PA., USA
BudCat14/Ross: Colonial Theatre, Harrisburg, PA.
BudCat14/Ross: After the Fall: Colonial Theatre proscenium, 3rd & Market Sts., Harrisburg, PA. USA
BudCat14/Ross: The Rio, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
BudCat14/Ross: THE END: Demolition in Progress, RIO Theatre, Harrisburg, PA. "Used material for sale."
BudCat14/Ross: UPTOWN Theatre, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
BudCat14/Ross: CinemaScope Drive-In Ads, Harrisburg, PA. - 1954
BudCat14/Ross: American GODZILLA heads for the Silver Spring (Pennsylvania) Drive In.
BudCat14/Ross: Double Bill, SILVER SPRING Drive-In Theatre